"Researching New Medications for Your Future"

How it works:

Prior to your participation in a research study, you will be given an Informed Consent Form that describes the study medications, the risks and benefits, and the schedule for your particular study.  After reading the consent, you will be given an opportunity to ask the study doctor and coordinator any questions you have about the trial.

The study doctors involved with your research study will not take the place of your primary care physician.  At your request, we can provide your PCP with some of your test results.  The care given during a research study is exclusively related to the study.

Benefits to being in a research study:

  • All study related medications and exams are provided at no charge
  • No health insurance needed
  • Consistent monitoring of your progress through phone calls and clinic visits
  • Information gained may help others in the future
  • Contribute to the development of an investigational medication